SCHOOL YEAR 2011 / 2012


NAME                                                      : ENDRASWARI ESKAMURTI
NIS                                                            : 10773

State Vocational School 6


This report has been examined by the board of examiners of State Vocational School 6 Surakarta and approvedfulfilled final task report.

Board of examiners.


Stephanus Kristiawan Wahyu W, S.Pd.
NIP. 19800909 200902 1 006
Class Guardian,

Dra. Marchamah
NIP. 19540706 198103 2 007

Surakarta, 10 September 2011
Accounting Department
State Vocational School 6 Surakarta
Head of Accounting Department

Dra. Maria Irene Karyani, M.Si.
NIP. 19610405 198803 2 006


All of praises ; honours ; and glory only belong to God, The All Merciful, because only by His grace, the writer can finish the final task report.
By this report, the writer would like to thank to :
  1. Dra. Hj. Sri Supartini, MM., as a Principal of State Vocatonal School 6 Surakarta.
  2. Dra. Maria Irene Karyani, M.Si., as the Head of Accounting Department.
  3. Drs. Subardo, as leader from State Vocatonal School 6 Surakarta to Carrefour Solo Baru.
  4. Dra. Marchamah as the class guardian of XII Accountng I.
  5. Stefanus Kristiawan Wahyu Wijayanto, S.Pd. as the consellor.
  6. Jarot Nugroho, as the Personal Head of Carrefour Solo Baru.
  7. All of employers who can receive the writer in Carrefour Solo Baru.
  8. My parents who have supported the writer.
  9. All of people who can’t written their name one by one.
The writer believes that this report is far from being perfect, so the writer accept suggestions and constructive criticism from all readers. So, the writer hopes that this report can be useful for us.

Surakarta, 10 September 2011



TITLE                                                            ……………………………    i
RATIFICATION                                          ……………………………    ii
PREFACE                                                     ……………………………    iii
TABLES OF CONTENTS                          ……………………………     iv
                        A. Background                       ……………………………    1
                        B. Objectives                          ……………………………    1
                        A. Time and Place                   ……………………………    2
                        B. Material and Equipment     ……………………………   2
                        C. Theoritical Review             …………………………….   3
                        D. Scheme of Work                ……………………………    4
                        E. Mention of Work                ……………………………    4
                        F. Result                                  ……………………………    5
                        A. Implementations                …………………………….   6
                        B. Benefits                              ……………………………    6
                        C. Improvement                      ……………………………   7
                        A. Conclusions                        ……………………………   8
                        B. Suggestions                        ……………………………   8
REFERENCES                                            …………………………......   9
APPENDICES                                              ……………………….……   10


A. Background
            Life very difficult without many skills and experience. So, we can choose the vocational school for our school, because the vocational school give many knowledges and experiences in business world from on The Job Training.
            On The Job Training is a practice in world of work, and it was done by students in vocational school.
            The student of vocational school must do On The Job Training to train their sklls  in applying their theory of vocational. In Job Training, the students get many knowledges about business world, it was very urgent to enlarge the experience before working in the next time. And Carrefour Solo Baru is one of relations to do Job Training from State Vocational School 6 Surakarta.
            The report of On The Job Training must be written by student. And  choose “OPERATNG CASHIER MACHINE” as title of this report.

B. Objectives
     1. The aims of On The Job Training in business world are :
         a.  To introduce the students about the bussness world.
         b. To apply the theory in real activity in business world.
         c. To enlarge student’s knowledges.
         d. To increase the experience n business world.
         e. To prepare the students to be ready work after pass the school.
     2. The report was written to :
         a. As evidence if the student have done The Job Training.
         b. To know about result of On The Job Training.
         c. To enlarge the knowledges about the manner of work in business work.
         d. Become requirement the final test.


A. Time and Places
            The implementation of Job Training had been done on 3rd January until 28th February 2011. It had been done on Carrefour Solo Baru, Palem Raya Street No.234, Blok DA Solo Baru. Phone : (0271) 625150, (0271) 625170.
            The student did Job Training from 8 am until 3 pm  or from 3 pm until 9 pm. The student have free tme once a week, and it is different from one student and other.

B. Materials and Equipment
     The materials to do On The Job Training in Carrefour Solo Baru are :
1.      Cashier puck up report.
2.      Sales cancellation daily report.
3.      Credit / debit card payment logbook.
     The equipment to do On The Job Training in Carrefour Solo Baru are :
1.      Pen.
2.      Calculator.
3.      Paper roll.
4.      Cashier Machine.
5.      Printer.
6.      Scanner.
7.      EDC Machine.

C. Theoritical Review
     1. Definition
                     Definition of operating in dictionary of Indonesian language is process or manner of functioning. And then, Cashier Machine is a electrical machine which have function to do register and calculate of sales transaction in the shop (
                     The conclusion result of operating cashier machine is a process to operate the machine which can calculating and recording a sales transaction which occur in the shop, or other place.
   2.   How to Operate Cashier Machine
         The manner to operating cashier machine are :
         a. Press C to unlock the machine.
         b. Take the things and then scan the barcode of things from the basket,
             one by one.
         c. After scan of all, press sub total to know the amount of all the
         d. Press the amount which is paid by customer and press cash if it a
             cash transaction.
If it use a debit or credt card, we must swift the card in EDC Machine, and then press the amount of sales. After it write the amount in cashier machine, press the button which match the card and swift the card in cashier machine.
If it use voucher, we can press the amount in that voucher in cashier and press the button which have name the voucher (according the voucher is used) and then press enter.
            e. Take the struck of sales or paper in top of printer.
            f. If the costumer have the remainder, give it to them with the struck.
            g. And if the machine had operated, we can press C to lock the
                machine again.

D. Scheme of Work


Take The Things

Pay Them     (cash, card, or voucher)

  The Customers can bring the thing after pay.                    

E.   Motion of Work

1.      Customers are people who need many requisites, so they also shopping to complete their requisites.

2.      Take the things in shop.

It is means the customers can take the things which become their requisites in that shop. They also can choose and take it, and must pay it in cashier.
3.      Pay them.
The customers must pay the things which they take. It is can use :
a.       Cash à It us use a cash of money, not card, and not voucher.
b.      Card à It is use debit/ credit card, and it can be used in EDC Machine.
c.       Voucher à It is use a voucher to pay. The voucher in Carrefour Solo Baru are a Carrefour Solo Baru and Sodexso Voucher, they have many amount differently.
The customer usually get the voucher to shopping from the Bank which have relations with the shop, or from the shop (example : as reward of lottery).
4.      The customer can bring the things.
After paying in cashier, the customers can bring the things to go home, and their requisites have been complete, or they can get their requisites.

F.  Result
The Cashier Machine functions are :
  1. To calculating a sales transaction in shop, and can print the amount of sales which must pay.
  2. The result of operating cashier machine is a report, such as :
a.       Cashier pick up result, it used to reporting the amount of sales in a transaction before we report the total in the last of sales.
b.      Sales cancellation daily report, it used to write a cancellation of transaction in that shop in this day.
c.       Debit or credit card payment logbook, it has function to write the transaction which uses the credit or debit card.
And all of the report must be reported to responsibility as cashier.


A.  Implementation
     1. Proponen factors :
a.       Guidance from teachers and industry world.
b.      The feel of responsibility and diligent’s students.
c.       The feel of comfortable’s students.
d.      Good coorperation between teacher, attendance, and helper.
e.       The abidience to arrangement.
f.       Well preparation.
g.      Relations are good between the student and the staff/ employers in the business or industry world.
h.      The desire of students to know and understand about the job in OJT’s place.
   2.   Inhibiting factors :
a.               The job not suitable with competence’s students.
b.  Doing a fault when OJT.
c.       Confidence of students are less.
d.      Relations of students and the employeer are worst.
e.       The electricity in OJT’s place sometimes die.
f.       Feeling nervous when served the customers.
B. Benefit
    The benefit from Job Training are :
1.      Knowing the way of work in company, especially n Carrefour Solo Baru.
2.      Applying theory from the school in the business world according to real.
3.      Enlarging the knowledges.
4.      Enlarging the experiences before working in the next time.
5.      Enlarging the friends in business world.
6.      Knowing about the kind’s of production.
7.      Getting the certificate after finishing The Job Training.
C. Improvement.
            Following the Job Training for two months, student can enlarge their knowledges and experiences, also applied them in the real activity in a company. The knowledges and experiences very urgent to them if they work in a company in the next time, after graduate from school, they don’t study again in University. Beside, the students can write the report in Engling correctly and then can speak English well, because after writing this report, the students must present it.


A.  Conclusion
      The conclusion of Job Training in Carrefour Solo Baru and this report are :
1.      Operating Cashier Machine is an applying from business machine theory in school.
2.      On The Job Training is a training of work in business or industrial world to student’s of vocational school.
3.      The theory in school can more details in industrial world, because it is applied directly.
4.      On The Job Training also can increase our confidence.
5.      On The Job Training can enlarge the knowledges of students.
B. Suggestion.
    The suggestion in Job Training are :
1.      The students must keep good attituted.
2.      The students must be diligent and tidy when do The Job Training.
3.      The students must be abidience to arrangement when Job Training.
4.      The teacher must monitor the students along The Job Training.


Sutinah, Ertin . 2010 . Get Along With English for Vocational School Grade XII Intermediate Level . Jakarta : Erlangga.

Wojowarsito,S . 1980 . Dictionary of English - Indonesian and Indonesian – English . Bandung : Hasta.



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